Who are the Dalits?

By Roslyn Kent

If you know anything about India, you may be informed about the caste system. This system heavily dictates the lives of the Dalits, who make up 1/4 of India's 1.2 billion population. Learn more here.

  • The Caste System

    Caste is a highly fixed system of "social stratification" from more to less pure (upper-lower caste). Your caste is determined by birth & is unchangeable. It affects ALL social interactions in India.

  • The "Untouchables"

    Also known as the "untouchables", the Dalit people are ranked BELOW the lowest caste in India and are made up of 250 million men, women, boys and girls who have been oppressed for nearly 3000 years.

  • Why Are They "Untouchable"?

    In India, it is considered polluting or toxic to a caste member to even touch a Dalit since they are so far down in this system.

  • Equal Status

    According to a law made 60 years ago, the Dalits have equal status, yet this means little for them today. Dalits face segregation and degrading conditions in school, housing, healthcare and work.

  • Manual Scavenging

    Being born into this caste means you are restricted to doing only a few jobs - the worst and most undesirable jobs. An example of a job is manual scavenging, the practice of cleaning human waste.

  • Denied Acccess

    Due to their position in the caste system, the Dalits are denied access to public spaces such as schools, clinics, and temples. High drop out rates and low literacy levels are very common for them.

  • The Path to Freedom

    Education IS the key. By receiving an English education, Dalit children are able to gain confidence and socioeconomic opportunities which will assist them in claiming a place in society.

  • The Unkown

    Most people are unaware of the Dalits, which is why spreading awareness is so crucial in order to free them from their cycle of poverty, discrimination and social humiliation.

  • Want to Learn More?

    Visit the Dalit Freedom Network's [Website](http://http//www.dalitfreedom.net/default.aspx) and educate yourself and others. How can we change something that we aren't aware of?

  • Sources

    All information was gathered from the Dalit Freedom Network [website](http://http//www.dalitfreedom.net/default.aspx). The DFN is a highly reputable organization that has been working hard for years to bring education (and hope) to the Dalit people