The World's Most Threatened Monuments

By Montreal Gazette

See ‘em while you can, because there are many cultural and historic monuments in the world that might not be around much longer

  • Cultural Heritage Sites of Syria

    The ancient souk of Aleppo, iconic Crusader castles from the 11th to the 13th centuries, the classical city of Apamea and many other sites represent Syria's long history. Escalating violence may permanently destroy many of these significant sites.

  • Venice, Italy

    Dredging canals for the large ships and the movement of the ships themselves through the Grand Canal have had an impact on flooding in the city. Local residents are also affected by rising prices and swarms of visitors which is impacting their quality of life.

  • Cultural Heritage Sites of Mali

    Violent conflict in Mali in 2012 destroyed nine of the 16 mausoleums within the World Heritage Site boundaries of Timbuktu.

  • Yangon Historic City Centre, Myanmar

    With its economic isolation over, Myanmar is rushing to modernize. The historic city of Yangon is rich with historic religious sites and early colonial architecture, but much of it is threatened by new development that threatens to reshape the city's landscape.

  • Jefferson National Memorial, St. Louis, MO

    The Jefferson National Expansion Memorial of St. Louis, more commonly know as The Arch, is a symbol of the United States' expansion to the West. Built in the early 1960s, the iconic structure is not in good structural shape and its preservation remains a challenge.