9 Bizarre Korean-Style Pizzas

By Koreaboo

Pizza in Korea is a whole different ballgame! With wild and surprising toppings that you'd never see anywhere else, visitors to Korea either love it or hate it.

  • Kimchi Pizza

    That's right, u know it! The ultimate Korean pizza! If you head to Korea you can't miss the legendary Kimchi pizza. It's just as delicious as it looks. Spicy and satisfying! 

  • Eggy Crust Pizza

    In Korea it's not uncommon to find shrimp and potato toppings on pizza! This one in particular even has an eggy crust! Does it sound enticing?

  • Cheese-stuffed Crust Bites

    Korean Pizza Hut  Pizzas are considerably smaller. This medium-sized pepperoni pizza has a delicious cheese-stuffed crust.

  • Churrasco Cheese Roll Pizza

    Korean Dominos Churrasco Cheese Roll Pizza! Presented to you by Kim Woobin.

  • Gorgonzola Pizza

     Gorgonzola Pizza! That's right, honey and cheese. Mmmm~

  • Double Crust Blooming Pizza

    Suzy loves this Double Crust Blooming Pizza. So colorful isn't it?

  • Cheese-ball Shrimp Pizza

  • Fruit Pizza

    Fruit Pizza can be found at specialty shops! It's delicous and healthy too!

  • Deluxe Everything Pizza!

    Check out this deluxe pizza! There's sausage, zucchini, egg, corn... how many ingredients can you identify?