Exam Therapy

By Roslyn Kent

Midterm exams may be over, but finals will be here before you know it. In the midst of exam chaos, it's hard to find time to wind down: use these strategies to relax and take a break from studying.

  • Bake or Cook

    Find a new recipe or one you've had in mind for a while and make an afternoon/evening out of it. Invite someone over to bake/cook with you and indulge afterward - calories don't count during exams!

  • Pet Therapy


    It's a relatively new form of therapy, but it has been proven to be beneficial in reducing stress & stress related hormones. See if your school offers pet therapy and have a visit with some cute dogs!

  • Go For a Walk


    And no, the word "walk" is not synonymous for "gym". Going to the gym means you're still inside, and the act of working out can be a stress in itself. Go outside, get some air & get back with nature.

  • Finally Watch That Movie on Netflix

    We all have a list of movies we haven't had the chance to watch, but we've been meaning to for a while. Take a break from studying and allow yourself to enjoy that movie - no matter how cheesy it is.

  • Treat Yourself


    Grab a friend and hit up the local fro yo joint, or if you're in the mood for an even guiltier indulgence, go for that DQ blizzard. You've been studying your bum off - you deserve every ounce.

  • Organize A Ladies' Wine, Cheese, and Movie Night

    Wine + cheese + chick flicks = a girl's dream combo. Bunker down with your friends, crack open some wine, and pick a Nicholas Sparks movie starring Channing Tatum and your set - goodbye exam stress. 

  • Attend a Sporting Event

    The school spirit will hype you up, and while you're cheering hard for your home team (in whichever sport you choose), you'll forget for a moment or two that you have piles of studying to do.