Why You Should Live in University Residence

By Roslyn Kent

Some of us are not given the option to live in residence, but if you are, there are many good reasons why you should take advantage of this killer opportunity!

  • You Learn to Be Independent

    Cooking, cleaning and fending for yourself while staying mentally, emotionally, and physically sane? It's hard to develop these skills if you live at home forever. Res teaches you all of this & more.

  • You Make Friends For Life

    Ask anyone who has lived in res at their school; the friends you make there will be some (among many) of the friends you'll stay close with for life. You might even meet your potential husband/wife.

  • You Learn How to Tolerate Others' Habits

    Undoubtedly, you're going to end up having roommates whose lifestyle habits will clash with your own. It might be hard at first, but living with different people will teach you a lot about tolerance.

  • You Learn How to Cook

    You have no choice now. Dinner isn't waiting on the table for you after school, and Mom definitely isn't waking you up to the smell of bacon. Trial and error cooking is the only way you'll learn!

  • You Can Walk to Most Classes in 10 Minutes or Less

    8am class? No problem. You can roll out of bed at 7:30am and still make it there with time to spare. Your 10 minute commute to class will make your classmates' 30 min traffic commute look like a joke.

  • Your Friends are a Hop, Skip, and a Jump Away

    On those nights where you're alone, and you desperately need a friend to watch Gossip Girl with, the furthest you'll probably have to travel is to the residence building next door.

  • There's Never a Dull Moment on the Weekend

    To go to that res party down the hall or that club downtown? Because there are so many students in res, someone is usually planning something on the weekend for you and all your friends to do.

  • You Can Go Home Between Classes

    There's nothing worse than realizing that you have an awkward 3 hour gap between classes, three days a week. If you live on res, you can go home in between classes instead of staying on campus. 

  • You Never Have to Walk Home Alone

    There's no need to walk home from the bar on campus alone. Half the people walking home are probably walking back to res anyway - tag along and make new friends!

  • There's Always Stuff to Do

    Boredom isn't a thing in res. Chances are you'll have to choose between the multitude of events being hosted for you on, and around the campus, ranging from sports tournaments to floor movie nights.