20 Fetchest Mean Girls Quotes

By Betty Zhang

To help you get over that so-not-grool post October 3rd low mood. 

  • 20

    "Four for you, Glenn Coco! You go, Glenn Coco!" 

  • 19

    "'Made out with a hot dog'? Oh my god! That was one time!"

  • 18

    "She doesn't even go here!" 

  • 17

    "Don't have sex. You will get pregnant and die." 

  • 16

    "I can't go out. I'm sick." "Boo! You whore!" 

  • 15

    "If you're from Africa, then why are you white?"

  • 14

    "Oh my god, Karen! You can't just ask people why they're white!"

  • 13

    "Irregardless! Ex-boyfriends are just off limits to friends. I mean, that's just like, the rules of feminism!"

  • 12

    "I'm not like a regular mom. I'm a cool mom."

  • 11

    "On Wednesdays we wear pink!"

  • 10

    "We only carry sizes 1, 3 and 5. You could try Sears."

  • 9

    "Oh my god, Danny Devito! I love your work!"

  • 8

    "I can't go to Taco Bell, I'm on an all-carb diet! God, Karen! You're so stupid!"

  • 7

    "Whatever. I'm getting cheese fries."

  • 6

    "One time I saw Cady Heron wearing army pants and flip flops. So I bought army pants and flip flops."

  • 5

    "Get in, loser. We're going shopping!"

  • 4

    "That's why her hair is so big. It's full of secrets."

  • 3

    "Is butter a carb?"

  • 2

     "I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me. But I can't help it that I'm popular."

  • 1

    "That's so fetch!"