Meet the Cascadian Independence Movement!

By Steve Robinson

Honestly, just look at this guy. Pay close attention to how happy he is. This can't be an actual political movement, can it?

  • As a matter of fact, yes-- it can be, and is!

    Don't be fooled by the multiple cool necklaces this guy is wearing, OR by his super sweet pj's. Beneath all that, this guy means serious political business. 

  • But wait; what even IS this Cascadia I speak of?

    It's ok. We were a bit confused at first too. 

  • Well broadly speaking, it's a geographical region.

    Geologists and botanists have long used the term '[Cascadia](http://http//' to describe the bioregion of BC, Washington, and Oregon. In common colloquial usage, it basically just means the Pacific Northwest.  

  • But so too is it now a political designation!

    In the late 1970s a Seattle University Professor started using the term 'Cascadia' to refer to a distinct real-world emerging culture he observed in the region. 

  • It's even is represented by it's own flag!

    Meet the 'Doug Flag'. The colours are supposedly intended to represent the colours of the Pacific Northwest, and the tree in the middle is apparently a [Douglas Fir](http://http// Yep, they put a tree on that b@#$!

  • Great. So what do these guys value besides trees?

    Well, a l[ot of things](http://http// as it turns out. For some, it's about decolonizing a region whose culture is already distinctly un-american. For others, its a shot at eco-utopia style secession.  

  • So basically you're not sure. That right?

    No, false! The Cascadian movement represents a variety of different people, cultures, and interests, but mostly they all value the same things: nature, open-mindedness, and social well-being. 

  • And they're actually fighting for independence?

    Yes, apparently. The Cascadian movement is today a vast, decentralized network of groups that meets up in cities all over BC, Washington, and Oregon. And mostly they want to form their own country. 

  • Pretty cool actually. How do I find out more?

    Well, for starters, you can check out this article: []( 

  • And yes, they even have their own genre of music.

    I assume you'll be as delighted as I was to learn that '[Cascadian Black Metal](http://http//' and 'Treepunks' are both actual things IRL.