15 Strangest Weed Strain Names

By The Stoner's Cookbook

Marijuana is a lot like wine. To the outsider, it's all just 'weed'. Those of us on the inside, we  know that each strain is unique & has its own name. The thing  is, these names can be a bit...weird.

  • Pack of Rocks

    We're pretty sure if you asked your dealer for a Pack of Rocks, you wouldn't be getting marijuana...

  • +Speed

    I'm pretty sure the only place you'd get this is in a video game.

  • Tripleproof Bluemoonshine

    This is like the mother of compound words. 5 words slapped together into 2 all equalling a delicious strain.

  • Wild Thai Ryder

    There's an innuendo here somewhere...

  • Spicy White Devil

    This sounds more like a pepper than a strain of weed. Could you imagine smoking a pepper?

  • Steve McGarretts Hair

    Hawaii Five-0 was pretty awesome, but still. Why?!

  • Sweet Island Skunk

    Is there a distinction between regular skunks and island skunks? 

  • The Simpson Kush

    Another one of those strains where you just wonder about the origin stories.

  • Triple Afghan Slam

    We're pretty sure this some sort of baseball term.

  • Nutcruncher

    Just thinking about this name gives us the shivers. Yikes!

  • Outdoor Kush

    Presumably you wouldn't be allowed to smoke this indoors.

  • Exodus Kush

    Since when did we start naming strains after the bible?

  • Old Mother Sativa

    We're assuming that your Regular Mother Sativa becomes Old Mother Sativa once she's over a certain age?

  • Poison Dwarf

    Okay, what?! That doesn't sound nice at all!

  • Fire Alien Strawberry

    And this is where we end the list. That's enough crazy for today.